In order to guarantee the safe medication for the diabetics, several methods to rationalize the clinical medication were adopted: color logos to distinguish different anti-diabetic drugs, special cupboard to store the anti-diabetic drugs, eye-catching reminder card, participation of patients, etc. The number of every kind of spare drug should be 20 that are stored in 2 bottles so as to avoid expiration. Full-time nurses are to be appointed wearing a red armband with the words "I am dispensing. Please don't disturb". If a patient is absent, his/her drugs should be put in a special storage area. Different insulin preparations with color logos are put in different section of the refrigerator. Education and guidance for patients, especially those to be discharged are strengthened. The authors randomly selected 192 in-patients with diabetes, 96 undergoing traditional medication and 96 undergoing the improved medication, only 1 medication error (ME) was found in the 96 patients undergoing improved medication compared to the 10 cases of ME found in the 96 patients undergoing traditional medication (X2=7.811,P 〈 0.05)
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
Faculty medication
Safety administration