
欧洲滑雪体育旅游的起源、现状和发展趋势研究 被引量:14

Research on the Origin,Status and Trends of Ski Sports Tourism in Europe
摘要 采用文献资料法、逻辑归纳法等研究方法,对欧洲滑雪体育旅游市场的现状和发展趋势进行探究。研究认为,滑雪旅游起源于19世纪工业时期的欧洲,20世纪在欧洲得到普及,并推动其成为滑雪资源丰富国家的支柱产业;滑雪环境的改善与产业组织的专门化促进了欧洲滑雪市场的发展;滑雪者具有乐趣追求、集体归属、技能展示等旅游动机;滑雪者分为滑雪体育锻炼、"高端"滑雪度假、主题度假、普通度假提供的滑雪活动和观看比赛等类型;滑雪体育旅游者谱系描述滑雪参与者的需求变化,由此构建滑雪体育旅游参与模型;该模型很好地反应出滑雪旅游市场需求与供给的经济规律;欧洲滑雪体育旅游呈多样性发展趋势。研究为推动我国滑雪体育旅游业的快速发展提供有益的借鉴。 Through using the methods of literature review and logical induction, the paper explores the status quo and the market development trend of the European ski sports tourism market. Ski tourism originated in industrial Europe in the 19th century. It gained popularity during the 20th century, and it became a pillar industry of ski re- source-rich country. The development of European ski market was promoted by the improvement of the ski environ- ment (including infrastructure and equipment)and specialized industrial organization. Fun pursuit, collective be- longing sense, skills show were skiers travel motivation. Skiers are divided into types of ski physical exercise, high-end ski vacation, theme vacation, ordinary vacation and game watching. The ski sports tourists pedigree de- scribed the needs change of ski participants in order to build ski sports tourism participation model. The model showed economic law of demand and supply of the ski tourism market. Skiing tour was a diversity trends in Eu- rope. Mature experience of Europe was useful experience for the Chinese ski sports tourism that could promote it the rapid development.
作者 李卫星 孙威
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期30-35,45,共7页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目(课题批准号:06BTY011)
关键词 欧洲 滑雪 旅游环境 滑雪产业 景区组织 体育旅游 旅游动机 旅游类型 旅游需求 European ski tourism environment ski industry organizations of the scenic sports tourism touristsmotivation types of tourism demand of tourism
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