
基于全量理论的一步成形正算法 被引量:2

One step forming positive method based on deformation theory
摘要 在一步成形逆算法的基础上,提出了一步成形正算法来模拟金属板料冲压成形过程。先利用映射关系和面积坐标,得到一步成形正算法的空间初始解。再采用Newton-Raphson方法,基于全量理论在空间坐标系下进行迭代求解。迭代过程中使用接触搜索方法保证节点不会脱离零件工艺面。正算法的求解过程更加符合零件的成形过程,既保持了一步成形逆算法高效率的优势,又提高了算法的模拟精度。利用方盒件拉伸实验验证了本文算法的有效性。 On the basis of the inverse method of one-step forming process, a positive method was proposed to simulate the sheet metal stamping process. The spatial initial solution of the one-step forming positive method was preliminarily obtained using the mapping relationships and area coordinates. Then using Newton-Raphson method to get iterative solutions in 3-D coordinate system based on deformation theory. The contact search method was introduced in the iterative process to ensure the nodes do not separate from the part surface. The solving process of the positive method was more in line with the part forming process, it improved the simulation precision while kept the advantage of high efficiency of the inverse method. A square-box drawing experiment was performed and the positive method was validated.
作者 陈伟 那景新
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期358-362,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51075187)
关键词 材料合成与加工工艺 一步成形 全量理论 正算法 material synthesis and processing technology one step forming deformation theory positive method
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