
论金岳霖“非唯主的”知识论 被引量:1

On Jin Yuelin’s “Non-subjective” Theory of Knowledge
摘要 针对现代西方主流认知理论,金岳霖提出了独特的"非唯主的"知识论。他从解决休谟问题入手,不断反思西方现代知识论的前提性观念或理论根源,认为那种仅以主观的感觉内容为认知中介物的唯主方式是受到笛卡尔关于自我意识上的实体化理论的局限,也是盲目奉行自然科学方法的成见,导致对经验认知过程的错误理解。他提出正觉关系论这种全新的认知框架,给予事物和心灵以无限多样的可能性或渗透力。这种颇具中国特色的认知理论,为改变中国哲学传统上欠缺认识论意识的状况和建构中国现代哲学的主体意识做出了实质性的贡献。 Jin Yuelin proposed non - subjectivism particularly against Western modem epistemology. Through solving Hume's problem, he criticized or reflected constantly the antecedent ideas and theoretical roots of subjectivism: subjectivism, only with subjective perceptive content as epistemological medium, was captivated by Cartesian substantialism in self- consciousness, and blindly adhered to scientific methods so as to wrongly understand the empirical epistemological process. Jin Yuelin, with the theo- ry of veridical perceptive relationship, gave things and mind with infinite possibilities or limitless penetrability. It~ very probably right way for us to comprehend and explain how things are around us. Influenced by Chinese traditional thought, he changed the condition out of epistemological consciousness in Chinese philosophical history in a way, and meantime, he contributed to recon- struction of subjective identity in modem Chinese philosophy.
作者 邵明
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期25-30,共6页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金"中国现代哲学主体意识的重构问题研究"(12XZX008)
关键词 金岳霖 休谟问题 唯主学说 非唯主的学说 正觉关系论 Jin Yuelin Hume's dilemma subjectivism non- subjectivism the theory of veridical perceptive relationship
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