
血管腔内成形术治疗髂股静脉血栓形成后综合征的临床疗效 被引量:3

Curative Effect of Endovascular Angioplasty in Treatment for Iliofemoral Venous Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
摘要 目的探讨分期血管腔内成形术治疗髂股静脉血栓形成后综合征(PTS)的疗效。方法回顾性分析我科2008年5月至2011年10月期间收治的45例髂股静脉PTS患者的临床资料,采用经皮穿刺股静脉或切开股静脉直视下穿刺,造影明确病变静脉部位及病变长度后,导丝开通闭塞段,球囊导管行扩张成形术。结果 45例(45条患肢)血管腔内球囊扩张成形术均取得成功。无一例发生管腔破裂等严重并发症。45例随访6~30个月,(18.06±3.12)个月,患肢症状明显缓解31例,患肢症状部分缓解10例,患肢症状无缓解4例。复查静脉血管造影,治愈9例,显效18例,好转14例,无效4例,总有效率为91.11%(41/45)。结论血管腔内成形术操作简便、微创、安全,是治疗髂股静脉PTS的有效方法。 Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of staging endovascular angioplasty in treatment for iliofemoral venous post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Methods The clinical data of 45 patients with iliofemoral venous PTS from May 2008 to October 2011 in this hospital were analyzed retrospectively. After the identification of the stenosis or occlusion by angiography via femoral vein by percutaneous puncture or incision puncture, recanalization of the occlusion was done by guide wire. Then the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) was performed. Results A total of 45 cases (45 legs) had been undergone PTA. The procedures were technically successful in all the patients. No serious complications such as lumen rupture happened. Follow-up time was 6-30 months with (18. 06±3.12) months, the symptoms of the affected limb were obviously relieved in 31 cases, partly relieved in 10 cases, not relieved in 4 cases. Reexamination of venous angiography, 9 cases were cured, 18 cases were excellent, 14 cases were improved, 4 cases were ineffective. The total effective rate was 91.11% (41/45). Conclusion PTA is a safe and effective method in treatment for iliofemoral venous PTS.
出处 《中国普外基础与临床杂志》 CAS 2013年第2期187-190,共4页 Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery
关键词 髂股静脉血栓形成后综合征 腔内治疗 疗效 Iliofemoral venous post-thrombotic syndrome Endovascular treatment Curative effect
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