
FDI产业内技术外溢效应对中国内资企业溢出效果的影响——基于中国行业面板数据的实证检验 被引量:5

Intra-industry FDI Technology Spillover Effects to Innovation of the Domestic Enterprises in China ——Positive Inspection Basing on China Industries' Data
摘要 本文采用2000—2011年我国14个工业行业面板数据,首次构造相对应的解释变量区分示范效应、竞争效应和人员流动效应,并在不同技术层面上,实证检验出外商投资对我国内资企业技术溢出效果的差异,通过分析发现:一,示范效应下的模仿学习渠道获取的技术外溢,仅在企业劳动生产率产生促进作用,在新产品市场转化和专利研发层面产生显著的抑制作用;二,竞争效应下的技术解译渠道获取的技术外溢,尚未帮助内资企业突破技术进步的路径依赖关系;三,外企技术人员流入内企的规模和技术层次都不高,仅仅在新产品市场转化层面产生显著的技术外溢效果。 Using Panel Data of our 14 industries' from 2000-2010, this paper constructs independent variables corresponding to dem- onstration effects, competitive effects and worker mobility effects for the first time, and positively inspects the different effects of FDI spillovers at various levels. We found that the technology spillover effects of imitation from foreign enterprises could promote our progress in productivity, but hinder our progress in innovation. Moreover, spillover effects of technology interpretation from foreign firms is not able to help us breaking through path dependence. In addition, the spillover effects of workers mobility is only significant at the level of new products launching, which implies that the immigrant scale of worker is small, and the workers are not in the top level.
作者 许鸿文
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期89-95,共7页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"外资技术溢出影响经济增长方式转变的研究"(71173074) "湖南省国际经济与国际工程管理研究中心"开放基金项目(12IEPM02) 湖南省高校创新平台项目(11k035) 湖南省自然科学基金项目(12JJ3075)
关键词 示范效应 竞争效应 人员流动效应 Demonstration effects Competitive effects Workers mobility effects
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