
限制网络上的铁路旅程规划快速求解算法 被引量:3

A Fast Algorithm for Railway Route Planning on Restricted Network
摘要 以服务网络设计理论为指导,构建基于铁路客运网络的换乘服务网络。以出行方案目标权重值最小为目标函数,在旅客指定始发站、终到站、不限定中转地点的条件下,建立铁路旅程规划问题模型。提出换乘节点匹配法,通过匹配列车发到站的衔接关系,得出始发终到车站间的所有可行出行方案,然后按一定的筛选原则剔除明显不合理方案,最终根据目标权值对方案进行排序,得到K优解。算法用Python语言编程实现,以2010年我国铁路客票系统的数据验算,可实现不指定换乘地点条件下的同城换乘方案计算,向旅客提供出行方案参考。算法不仅适合高速计算设备,也适用于有限计算能力的移动设备。 According to Service Network Design theories, a railway transit service network was constructed out of train timetables. Taking the minimum of the travel plan^s weight as the objective function, given a specific origin and destination without designated transfer nodes, a model for railway route planning was established. Transfer node matching was proposed to acquire all feasible travel plans by searching connecting trains arriving at and depart from a same transfer node. Then according to certain filters, a considerable amount of unfavor- able travel plans were removed. K optimal travel plans were obtained by ordering the remaining travel plans by objective weights. The algorithm was implemented using Python programming language with the 2010 data of the China Railway Ticketing System. Results show that without designating transfer nodes, travel plans with co-terminal transfer(s) can be calculated and provided as references for passengers. Efficiency of this algorithm is notably improved compared to existing researches. The algorithm can be applied in both high-speed compu- ting devices and mobile devices with computing limits.
作者 林冬梅 刘军
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期8-13,共6页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2009BAG12A10) 铁道部科技研究开发计划(2011X014-A) 北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室自主研究课题(RCS2009ZT009) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2011JBM255)
关键词 铁路旅程规划 出行方案 换乘节点匹配法 铁路换乘服务网络 railway route planning travel plan transfer node matching railway transit service network
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