
语法隐喻理论可能“消解”论 被引量:4

Grammatical Metaphor Theory: Possible deconstruction
摘要 尽管目前看来语法隐喻研究尚处于欣欣向荣之机,但是,一则由于语法隐喻理论包含的内容过多,而且很多内容互不相干,甚至互相对立;二则由于语法隐喻理论无法解决语义和语法形式无法割裂以及语义和语法形式的合理融合问题,由此使得语法隐喻理论未来的"消解"成为可能。我们认为"消解"首先发生在术语层面,"语法隐喻"和"一致式"这些术语所遭遇的诸多理论问题可能使得它们最终被弃用或者取代。其次,"消解"也可能发生在理论解释层面,对语义层的详尽描写可能最终导致语法隐喻理论的"消解":一是,对语义层的详尽描写使得词汇语法层的存在受到质疑;二是,对意义动态构建过程的详尽描述和揭示可能消解"语法隐喻"机制的解释作用。最后,语法隐喻理论新解实质是对语法隐喻理论的"消解"。从事物发展的螺旋形上升角度来说,"消解"的理论指向性是多维的,一方面,它意味着对原有理论框架的发展和完善;另一方面,它意味着对原有理论框架的扬弃。 Though currently researches on grammatical metaphor theory are still thriving, its future dissolution can be possible due to the following facts: firstly, too much unrelated or even conflicting content has been subsumed into the scope of grammatical metaphor theory; secondly, grammatical metaphor theory has failed to offer a reasonable solution to the compatibility between semantics and grammar. We hold that the dissolution of the grammatical metaphor theory can be approached from two levels: term level and theoretical level. Firstly, core terms like "grammatical metaphor" and "congruity" can be replaced by some other more accurate terms due to the theoretical problems found with them; secondly, the detailed study of the meaning level can result in the deconstruction of grammatical metaphor theory, i.e. , on the one hand, the detailed study of the meaning level may challenge the existence of the so-called lexi-grammatical level ; on the other hand, the detailed description or study of the dynamic meaning construction process may challenge the validity of grammatical metaphor as an explanation mechanism. In addition, the new approach to the study of grammatical metaphor theory is actually the deconstruction of the traditional grammatical metaphor theory. Approached from the perspective of theoretical development, the theoretical implication of deconstruction is muhi-dimensional. On the one hand, deconstruction implies the efforts of both development and elaboration ; on the other hand, deconstruction means to purge the previous theories by more advanced methodologies.
作者 王馥芳
机构地区 北京外国语大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期22-29,共8页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 王馥芳主持的国家社会科学基金项目"词典释义的完备性描述研究"(批准号为11BYY088)的阶段性成果 上海市浦江人才计划的阶段性成果
关键词 语法隐喻理论 语法隐喻 隐喻机制 消解 语法隐喻新解 grammatical metaphor theory grammatical metaphor metaphor mechanism deconstruction new approach to grammatical metaphor theory
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