
综英课程写作教学实践探究 被引量:2

An Inquiry of the Teaching Practice of Writing in Integrated English in a Pre-service Teacher Education Program
摘要 本文探索了从课程文本阅读入手,通过构建真实社会情景展开的写作教学实践及其对英语师范生学习成长的影响。作者采用定性与定量相结合的方法,选取某校英语专业三年级26名师范生及1名综英任课教师为研究对象,全程参与并记录教学实施过程,并以初稿、二稿、同伴互评、反思文本及教师点评为主要数据来源。研究结果显示,通过开展新模型下的写作教学实践,师范生在写作态度、英语语言能力及外语学科教学知识方面发生了变化,学习成长显著。文章最后指出,文本、范文演示分析和教学活动等起到了中介作用,帮助学生通过自身努力而达到学习成长。 This paper studied how the EFL teaching practice facilitates learning and development of the English language majors in a pre - service teacher education program through conducting a new model of writing in the course of Integrated English.The research adopted a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative traditions. In addition to field notes taken during class observation and the teacher' s comments on the writing, the first and second drafts written by the students, their reflection reports and the peer-review comments were collected as main sources of data. The findings showed the changes the students experienced during the process mainly in the following three aspects : change of attitude towards writing, development in language proficiency,and reconceptualization of language teaching, a new understanding of the nature of writing and how to teach writing. The paper concluded that the input of the texts, analysis of samples, and the teaching activities the teacher conducted served as mediation tools to help the students learn and develop through their own exertions.
作者 刘蕴秋
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期55-61,共7页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 华东师范大学外语学院光华预研究项目"华东师范大学英语教师职前教育中的知识学习与职业态度现状调查研究"的研究成果之一
关键词 写作教学实践 英语师范生 学习成长 teaching practice of writing pre-service teacher education learning and development
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