开发具有对照片、语音录音、视频录像片断、详细文字材料等数据进行存储和检索的多媒体人事、犯罪人员数据库档案系统 ,在实际工作中具有重要价值。通过对Office 97/ 2 0 0 0办公软件的研究 ,提出了一套利用其组件Excel 97/ 2 0 0 0和Word/WPS的结合 ,管理多媒体档案信息系统的方案 ,该方案具有投资少、实现简易快捷、便于调整扩充、操作简单、数据能够被网络用户共享的特点 ,其功能能够满足应用单位的主要业务需求。
A multi media archives management system should provide storage and the possibility of retrieving photos、fingerprints、voice、video and detail scripts. Exploiting of Office 97/2000 software, the thesis gives a solution to build a multi media database system using Excel 97/2000 and Word/WPS. The solution has a lot of advantages, such as low investment、easy realization、convenient adjustment、simple operation、possibility to share data on the network, etc. Its functions have been proved to meet the need of important applications.