
希美加群药品风险管理的案例简析 被引量:1

Ximelagatran and Its Risk Management Plan in United States
摘要 药品风险管理适用于药品从前体化合物筛选、新药审批、上市后监控以及药品撤出市场的整个过程。通过介绍阿斯利康公司生产的新一代抗凝血药物希美加群(Exanta)从新药审批上市到撤出市场的风险管理相关事件,以期为我国抗凝药物的监测和安全管理工作提供借鉴,从而更好地规范我国的药品市场。 The risk management for pharmaceutical products applies to a life cycle of a new drug development from Investigational New Drug(IND), New Drug Application(NDA) to post-marketing. It plays a critical role in its withdrawal from the market. In this article we reviewed the risk management events of Ximelagatran(Exanta) which is a new generation of anti-clotting drug manufactured by AstraZeneca, from its new drug approval to its withdrawal. The experience of Ximelagatran risk management in USA might provide a clue for the future risk management of drug safety in China.
作者 郭京 郭剑非
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2013年第2期84-87,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
关键词 希美加群 药品风险管理 风险管理计划 美国食品药品监督管理局 ximelagatran drug risk management risk management plan FDA
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