根据农产品冷藏车的特点,分别设计了基于Z-StackTM协议栈的协调器节点和传感器节点,并组成星形Zig Bee网络,负责冷藏车环境信息的采集和发送。远程数据监测中心通过GPRS网络和Internet接收协调器节点发送过来的温湿度数据包,从而实现对冷藏车环境的实时监测,并具有温湿度动态显示、实时报警、历史报表、数据存储等功能。在冷藏车厢环境温度为10℃、相对湿度为85%RH的条件下,分别在满载(西红柿)和空载2种情况下,对远程监测系统接收数据包丢包率情况进行了测试。结果表明:该系统稳定、可靠,适合农产品冷藏车环境远程监测的需要。
According to characteristics of refrigerated truck of agricultural products, coordinator node and sensor nodes are designed based on Z-StackTM protocol stack and compose Zig Bee star network, which is responsible for collection and transmission of environmental information of refrigerated truck. Through GPRS network and Internet, remote data monitoring center receives data packets of temperature and humidity which are sent over by coordinator nodes, to realize real-time monitoring of refrigerated truck environment and achieve dynamic display of temperature and humidity information, real-time alarming, historical reporting, data storage and other functions. The loss rates of remote monitoring system receiving data packets are tested, respectively, in the case of full-load (tomatos) and no-load under the conditions of ambient temperature is 10 ℃ and relative humidity is 85 % RH in the refrigerated compartment. The results show that the system is stable, reliable and suitable for the needs of remote monitoring for the refrigerated truck environment of agricultural product.
Transducer and Microsystem Technologies