
中国英语学习者朗读口语中基于音高和音强的突显实现特点研究 被引量:8

Investigation into Characteristics of Pitch and Intensity for Prominence Realization in Chinese EFL Learners' Read Speech
摘要 突显作为语调构成的基本韵律特征之一,其在学习者语调和本族语者语调中的实现效果有一定偏差,亟待深入研究。本文在前期研究基础上,对23位中国英语学习者朗读口语中突显实现的特点进行了专题研究。研究借助Praat语音标注及分析软件,结合声学表现和听觉事实,考察了音高、音强两个重要的韵律特征。研究发现,受试朗读中基于音高和音强的突显实现具有以下典型特点:音高范围窄、音强对比不明显、单词内存在"双突显"韵律。这些发现揭示了中国英语学习者语调细部的偏差,可以帮助教师在二语语调教学中认清突显实现的典型特点及潜在原因并有的放矢地施教,有助于改善交际的有效性和自然度。 Prominence is one of the essential prosodic features in intonation formation; the realization of prominence in learner intonation exhibits certain deviations from intonation of native speakers, which call for in-depth study. Based on the preliminary study, the present study focuses on characteristics of prominence realization in 23 Chinese EFL learners' read speech. With the help of Praat program and on the basis of acoustic cues and au- ditory events, the present study investigates two important pro- sodic features: pitch and intensity. It is found that the promi- nence realization in terms of pitch and intensity in the subjects' read speech exhibits such representative characteristics as narrow pitch range, inconspicuous intensity contrast, and double-prominent prosody. The findings have revealed some minute devia- tions in intonation of the Chinese EFL learners, which will be of help for teachers by identifying these representative characteristics together with the underlying causes for prominence realization and putting them into practice accordingly in L2 intonation teaching, and will help improve the effectiveness and naturalness of communication.
作者 高薇
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期55-59,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社科研究项目"基于交际有效度的英语语调习得研究"(项目编号:11YJA740113) 江苏师范大学人文社会科学研究基金项目"基于语调短语整体性的中国英语学习者有效朗读的实证研究"(项目编号:10XWB11)的阶段性成果
关键词 突显实现 音高 音强 双突显韵律 prominence realization pitch intensity double- prominent prosody
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