
应用语言学质化研究方法类型:2000-2010 被引量:26

Qualitative Research Approaches in Applied Linguistics:2000-2010
摘要 本文以2000-2010年间五种中国外语类核心刊物上发表的应用语言学论文为研究资料,发现在1350篇应用语言学论文中,质化研究89篇,占总数的6%。与20世纪后二十余年的情况相比,尽管质化研究份额仍有限,却呈现上升趋势。对89篇质化研究论文的深入研究显示,这些论文可归纳为八种方法类型:案例研究、语篇分析、内省方法、语料库研究、互动研究、叙事研究、行动研究和人种志。在对上述文章的内容分析基础上,本文探讨质化研究的理论欲求、取样策略、数据分析与呈现,以及质化研究传统的研究思想和研究原则等理论问题。 This paper reports on a survey of applied linguistics ar- ticles published in five major Chinese journals between 2000 and 2010. It was found that 89 qualitative research articles had ap- peared in the journals over this period,taking 6% of the total 1, 350 articles. Compared with the last 20 years of the 20th centu- ry as shown from previous studies, qualitative research, though a minor presence in the field, seems to be on the rise. An in-depth study of the 89 qualitative research articles revealed that they could be categorized into eight qualitative research approaches, i.e. case studies, discourse analysis, introspective methods, cor- pus studies, interactional studies, narrative research, action re- search, and ethnographies. Based on content analyses of the arti- cles, this paper raises and discusses theoretical issues in qualita- tive research including the theoretical drive, sampling strategy, data analysis and presentation, and the assumptions and princi- ples embedded in a qualitative tradition.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期66-69,95,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"中 西应用语言学质化研究趋势"(项目编号:10YJA740127) 天津财经大学科研发展基金项目"应用语言学研究方法研究:混合方法的理论与应用"阶段性成果
关键词 应用语言学 研究方法 质化研究 applied linguistics research methods qualitative re- search
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