
论翻译的摹仿性 被引量:4

On Mimesis in Translation
摘要 本文通过考察中外传统译论中涉及原文和译文关系的经典论述,揭示传统译论时期人类对翻译的认知状态。研究发现,翻译源于模仿,译文与原文之间具有摹仿与被摹仿的关系。文章根据唐代刘知几提出的摹仿类型对译文和原文之间的摹仿关系进行分类,借助文化语境概念对每类摹仿关系的形成做出可能的解释。本文认为,译文与原文之间的摹仿关系反映了传统译论时期人类对于翻译的认识具有原初性和基础性。 This paper discusses the relation between the source text and the target in traditional translation theories both at home and abroad to explore the state of human cognition to transla- tion. It is discovered that translation originates from mimesis and there dwells a mimetic relation between the source text and the target. This paper categorizes this relation according to the mi- metic types of Liu Zhiji in Tang Dynasty and makes a possible explanation to its productions in different context of culture. The authors draw out a conclusion that the mimetic relation between the source text and the target reflects the origin and fundamental of human cognition to translation in the times of studying tradi- tional translation theories.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期75-78,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 2010年中央高校经费重点课题"翻译研究的全球化思考与本土化行动"(项目编号:201024200038) 2011年湖南省研究生科研创新资助项目"翻译研究中的传承模式"(项目编号:CX2011B040) 2011年湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目"翻译中原文与译文关系系列研究"(项目编号:11YBA325)的阶段性成果
关键词 传统译论 摹仿关系 摹仿类型 文化语境翻译 关系 摹仿 traditional translation theories mimetic relation mimetic types context of culture
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