制定实施流域TMDL(total maximum daily load)计划的一项关键技术就是借助水文模型量化流域非点源污染负荷,设置BMPs(best management practices),实施非点源负荷削减.采用构建的SWAT模型估算了漳卫南运河流域不同水平年(丰、平、枯)非点源负荷大小,分析了非点源负荷的空间分布特征.丰水年总氮非点源负荷占总负荷的0.07%,总磷非点源负荷占总负荷的27.24%.空间上,流域非点源输出负荷较大的区域主要为具有一定坡度的农业用地和城镇居民用地.对照基准情景非点源输出负荷,通过对47种不同BMPs控制措施的模拟,核算出不同BMPs对8个优先控制子流域的有机氮、有机磷、硝酸盐氮、溶解态磷和矿物磷共5种污染物的削减效率.通过对比分析不同BMPs的费用效益,优选出漳卫南运河流域最佳的总氮和总磷污染物削减措施为修建植被型沟渠,其TN、TP单位削减费用分别介于16.11~151.28元.kg-1和100~862.77元.kg-1之间,该项措施是47种BMPs中最经济有效的.相关研究结果可以为流域非点源污染负荷削减提供科学依据,为流域水环境改善和水生态修复提供技术支撑.
One of the key techniques in establishing and implementing TMDL (total maximum daily load) is to utilize hydrological model to quantify non-point source pollutant loads, establish BMPs scenarios, reduce non-point source pollutant loads. Non-point source pollutant loads under different years (wet, normal and dry year) were estimated by using SWAT model in the Zhangweinan River basin, spatial distribution characteristics of non-point source pollutant loads were analyzed on the basis of the simulation result. During wet years, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) accounted for 0. 07% and 27. 24% of the total non-point source pollutant loads, respectively. Spatially, agricultural and residential land with steep slope are the regions that contribute more non-point source pollutant loads in the basin. Compared to non-point source pollutant loads with those during the baseline period, 47 BMPs scenarios were set to simulate the reduction efficiency of different BMPs scenarios for 5 kinds of pollutants (organic nitrogen, organic phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, dissolved phosphorus and mineral phosphorus) in 8 prior controlled subbasins. Constructing vegetation type ditch was optimized as the best measure to reduce TN and TP by comparing cost-effective relationship among different BMPs scenarios, and the costs of unit pollutant reduction are 16. 11-151.28 yuan. kg^-1 for TN, and 100-862.77 yuan· kg^-1 for TP, which is the most cost-effective measure among the 47 BMPs scenarios. The results could provide a scientific basis and technical support for environmental protection and sustainable utilization of water resources in the Zhangweinan River basin.
Environmental Science