
青海省西宁市与天峻县大气中得克隆与十溴联苯醚的水平与来源 被引量:5

Levels and Sources of Decabromodiphenyl Ether and Dechlorane Plus in Xining and Tianjun,Qinghai Province,China
摘要 十溴联苯醚(BDE-209)与得克隆(DP)是两种常见的添加型卤代阻燃剂,被广泛应用于各种电子产品中.由于其普遍存在于多种环境介质中,现已成为一种广泛存在的污染物,可能会对人体及生态系统产生潜在的危害.本研究测定了青海省西宁市与海西蒙古族藏族自治州天峻县夏、冬两季大气中BDE-209与DP的水平.结果表明,青海省西宁市夏、冬两季大气中BDE-209的平均水平分别为370 pg·m-3、470 pg·m-3,天峻县为220 pg·m-3、390 pg·m-3,与其他城市和地区相比,属于水平较高的地区.而西宁市大气中DP的平均水平为0.85 pg·m-3、0.25 pg·m-3,天峻县为0.24 pg·m-3、0.16 pg·m-3,西宁市水平高于天峻县,夏季水平高于冬季,与其他地区相比,青海省DP整体水平较低.西宁市与天峻县DP的同分异构体中,anti-DP所占比例分别是0.66±0.04与0.68±0.06,在时间与时空上的变化均不明显.青海省BDE-209与DP呈现弱的负相关性,说明两种污染物在青海省可能没有相同的本地源. Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) and dechlorane plus (DP) , two common additive flame retardants, are widely used in electronic products. Since they are widely spread in both abiotic and biotic environmental samples, they have attracted worldwide attention. This study reported the measurement of the levels of BDE-209 and DP in the atmosphere of Xining City and Tianjun County in Qinghai Province. Compared with other areas, the average levels of BDE-209 in Xining City were higher, 370 pg·m-3 in summer and 470 pg. m-3 in winter, and that in Tianjun County were 220 pg. m-3 and 390 pg. m-3, respectively. Meanwhile, the average level of DP was at a low level both in Xining (0. 85 pg-m -3 and 0. 25 pg·m -3 in summer and winter) and Tianjun (0. 24 pg.m-3 and 0. 16 -3 pg-m in summer and winter) , which showed that the level of DP in Xining was higher than that in Tianjun and the level of DP in summer was higher than that in winter. The anti-DP fractional abundances (fanti) in Xining City and Tianjun County were 0. 66 :t: 0.04 and 0. 68 + 0. 06, respectively. Neither seasonal variation nor spatial variation offanti was found at the sampling sites. A weak inverse correlation was found between the level of BDE-209 and DP in Qinghai,suggesting that the local sources of the two pollutants may be different.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期1129-1135,共7页 Environmental Science
基金 中央民族大学(985)项目(MUC985-9) 中央民族大学自主科研计划项目(0910KYQN50)
关键词 卤代阻燃剂 十溴联苯醚 得克隆 青海 大气水平 halogenated flame retardant decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) dechlorane plus (DP) Qinghai Province atmospheric level
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