我国现有的飞机噪声评价体系考虑因素较多 ,测算复杂 ,加上与城市区域环境噪声评价体系完全不同 ,使用中带来诸多不便。论文建立一套新的飞机噪声评价体系 ,即联合使用等效声级Leq和单个事件暴露声级Lse作为评价指标 ,将机场噪声限制标准分 3个时间段分别设置 ,晚上的标准比白天的严格 5dB ,夜间的标准比白天严格 10dB。另外还推导了单个噪声事件评价指标Lepn和Lse的换算关系。采用新的评价体系可以将机场周围飞机噪声与其他交通噪声叠加 ,真实反映机场周围声环境。
Because of considering many factor, surveying and calculating of aircraft noise become more complex And there are some difference between our existing evaluation system of aircraft noise and city region environment noise evaluation The article puts forward a new evaluation method of aircraft noise Equal efficiency noise level L eq and single-event noise exposure Level L se are regarded as evaluation index, and set up different criterion in three period, criterion in evening is 5dB bigger than in daytime, and criterion in night is 5dB bigger than in evening Also the article founds the formula L epn and L se The new method can reflect sound environment around airport really by adding aircraft noise to the traffic noise
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development