

Fruit and vegetable consumption and related influencing factors among urban junior students in Hangzhou
摘要 目的了解杭州市城区初中生蔬菜水果摄人情况及影响因素。方法在杭州市3个城区初中生中开展横断面自填问卷调查,了解学生每周蔬菜水果的摄入频率、摄入量及相关社会人KI学特征,采用logistic多因素回归法分析影响每周吃蔬菜≥21份和水果≥14份的因素。结果纳入分析的3724名初中生每周每Et食蔬菜水果为54.7%,每周进食蔬菜〉/21份和水果≥14份(相当于每日食蔬菜/〉3份和水果/〉2份)为23.6%。女生、母亲文化程度较高、家庭社会经济水平较高的初中生每周蔬菜水果摄入频率和摄人量均较高(P〈0.05)。控制了5种社会人口学因素后,每日体力活动≥60min(OR=1.667,95%CI:1.216~2.203)、家人每日鼓励多进食蔬菜水果(OR=1.881,95%CI:1.498。2.363)、每日表扬食蔬菜水果(OR=1.275,95%CI:1.025~1.586)、每周3-6d(OR=1.691,95%CI:1.310~2.183)和每日(OR=2.944,95%CI:2.348—3.690)准备好蔬菜水果、每周3~6d(OR=1.392,95%CI:1.056。1.835)和每日(OR=2.817,95%CI:2.217~3.580)一起进食蔬菜水果、早餐通常自家做(0R=1.364,95%CI:1.158—1.607)、蔬菜水果健康益处的课程教育(OR=1.238,95%CI:1.035~1.480)和认知(OR=3.150,95%CI:1.121—8.856)与初中生每周食蔬菜≥21份和水果≥14份均有正性关联。结论杭州市城区初中生蔬菜水果的摄入水平与社会人口学特征、体力活动、家庭饮食环境、蔬菜水果健康益处的教育和认知程度有关。 Objective To explore the fruit and vegetable (FV) cons-umption and related influencing factors among urban junior students in Hangzhou. Methods In a cross-sectional study, a self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the frequency and amount of FV consumption as well as related socio-demographic characteristics. Logistic regression method was applied to study other factors related to the amount of vegetables consumption≥21 servings and fruit comsumption ≥ 14 servings per week. Results Among 3724 junior students included in this study, 54.7% of them consumed FV daily, 23.6% consumed vegetables ≥21 servings and fruit ≥14 servings per week (equaled to vegetables ≥3 servings and fruit ≥2 servings every day). The level of FV intake was high in girls, mother with higher education, and higher family socioeconomic status (SES). After controlling 5 socio-demographic factors, data on the consumption of daily vegetables ≥21 servings and fruit ≥14 servings weekly, were positively associated with daily physical activity (PA) ≥ 60 rain (0R=1.667,95%CI: 1.216-2.203),encouragement on FV intake daily by family (OR=1.881, 95% CI: 1.498-2.363) , positive familial attitude on the daily intake of FV (OR=1.275, 95%CI: 1.025-1.586), preparation FV 3-6 days per week (0R=1.691,95%CI: 1.310-2.183) or daily (OR= 2.944, 95% CI: 2.348-3.690) , family consumption of FV with children/3-6 days per week (OR= 1.392, 95% CI: 1.056-1.835) or on the daily base (0R=2.817, 95% CI: 2.217-3.580) , breakfast usually made at home (0R=1.364, 95% CI: 1.158-1.607) , offering FV course atschool last year(OR=1.238, 95% CI: 1.035-1.480) and awareness on the benefit of FV (OR =3.150, 95% CI: 1.121-8.856) etc. respectively. Conclusion Socio-demographic characteristics, daily PA, dietary pattern at home, education and awareness on the benefits of FV on health etc. were all related to the FV intake among junior students in Hangzhou.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期236-240,共5页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 牛津健康联盟社区健康干预项目
关键词 蔬菜 水果 中学生 因素分析 Vegetables Fruit Adolescent Factor analysis
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