
中国城市12~17岁中学生忽视评价常模研制 被引量:21

Development of National Neglect Norm of Urban Middle-School Students in China
摘要 目的研制适合中国国情的城市中学生忽视评价常模,为全面开展预防儿童少年忽视工作提供科学、实用的测量工具和评价标准。方法根据多阶段分层整群抽样原则,从全国抽取13个省(自治区、直辖市)的24个城市,建立全国调研协作组,共调查12~17岁中学生3 432名。调查问卷自行设计。经过项目分析、因素分析、信度分析和效度分析等统计学处理方法,确定常模量表。采用百分位数法确定量表的评价标准。结果量表最终保留6个忽视层面共计71个题项(身体忽视12个、情感忽视23个、教育忽视16个、安全忽视7个、医疗忽视3个及社会忽视10个)。量表总的Cron-bach's a系数为0.915,分半信度相关系数为0.855,重测信度系数为0.714,均达到统计学要求;量表的结构效度和内容效度良好;量表总的评价界值点为180分。结论该常模具有理想的鉴别力、信度和效度,稳定性和可靠性良好,各项指标均达到了相关测量学、统计学的要求。 Objective To develop a set of child neglect norms for Chinese urban middle-school students, and to provide scientific and practical measurement tools and evaluation standards for the comprehensive prevention of child neglect. Mothods A national research team was formed eollaboratively to conduct the study and 24 cities from 13 provinces in China were selected, where 3 432 students by multi-stage stratified cluster sampling were surveyed. The Child Neglect Norm was determined by employing several statistical analysis methods, such as items, factors, reliability and validity analysis etc. The evaluation criteria of the scale were determined by use of percentile method. Finally, the reliability and validity of the norm were evaluated. Results The scale consisted of 6 neglected dimensions and 71 items in total. The total Cronbach" s α coefficient of the scale was 0. 915, with the split-half reliablity coefficient as 0.855 and the test-retest reliability coefficient as 0. 714. The total neglect cut-off score of the scale was 180. Conelusion The scale seems to have perfect stability and reliability, and all the statistical indicators meet the psychometric rules.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期156-159,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671772)
关键词 虐待儿童 统计学 精神卫生 学生 城市 Child abuse Statistics Mental heahh Students Cities
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