
现象学作为一种第一哲学:马里翁、雅尼科与里希尔 被引量:1

Phenomenology as A First Philosophy: Marion,Janicaud and Richir
摘要 文章围绕现象学能否作为第一哲学这一热点问题,展现了多米尼克·雅尼科、马克·里希尔与让一吕克·马里翁之间的争论。雅尼科忠实于现象学还原的观念,反思它具体给予我们的意义关联,坚决反对将现象学作为第一哲学,而提倡一种极简主义的现象学。马里翁则从尝试设置对现象的范畴分析之基础出发,进一步澄清现象学的偶然性的特异性,在现象学的意义上使另一种第一哲学的轮廓清晰可见。但是,马里翁的给予现象学暗示着只有一种把握凭自身出现和显示的现象的可能方式,这是为里希尔所不能赞同的,里希尔自发的意义构成的现象学在此提供了另外一种选择。提要:文章围绕现象学能否作为第一哲学这一热点问题,展现了多米尼克·雅尼科、马克·里希尔与让一吕克·马里翁之间的争论。雅尼科忠实于现象学还原的观念,反思它具体给予我们的意义关联,坚决反对将现象学作为第一哲学,而提倡一种极简主义的现象学。马里翁则从尝试设置对现象的范畴分析之基础出发,进一步澄清现象学的偶然性的特异性,在现象学的意义上使另一种第一哲学的轮廓清晰可见。但是,马里翁的给予现象学暗示着只有一种把握凭自身出现和显示的现象的可能方式,这是为里希尔所不能赞同的,里希尔自发的意义构成的现象学在此提供了另外一种选择。 This article presents disputes between Janicaud,Richir and Marion. Janicaud devotes to the idea of phenomenological reduction,reflects the correlation of sense which it give us,sets himself resolutely against phenomenology as a first philosophy, and in contrast advocates a minimalist phenomenology. Marion try to begin from setting the groud of a categorial analysis of the phenomenon, shed some more light upon the specificity of phenomenological contingency, and make visible the outlines of "another first philosophy"from a phenomenological point of view. However,the very idea of a gratuitous givenness indicates only one possible way to grasp a phenomenon that emerges and appears by itself. It can’t be accepted by Richir. Richir’s phenomenology of a spontaneous sense-formation seems to provide here an alternative.
出处 《世界哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期58-70,共13页 World Philosophy
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  • 1J.-L. Marion, ltant dOnn, P.U.F., Paris 1997, p. 9; in English: Being Given, tr. by J: L. Kosky, Stanford University Press, Stanford (California) 2002, p. 4.
  • 2J. -L Marion, De surcrot, P. U. F. , Paris 2001, p. 16.
  • 3D. Janicaud, Le tournant thologique de la phnomnologiefraaise, 6d. de l'6clat, Combas 1991.
  • 4See M. Henry, C'est moi la vrit, Pour une philosophie du christianisme, Seuil, Paris 1996; Incarnation. Unc philosophie de la chair, Seuil, Paris 2000; Paroles du Christ, Seuil, Paris 2002.
  • 5Cf. M. Heidegger, Questions, tr. par J. Beaufret, F. F6dier, J. Lauxerois et G. Roels, Gallimard, Paris 1976;.
  • 6in German: "Seminar in Zahringen", Vier Seminare tibersetzt yon C. Ochwadt, V. Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1977.
  • 7D. Janicaud, La phdnomdnologie dclatde, lditions de l'6clat, Paris 1998, Ch. III, pp. 44 - 70.
  • 8J. -L. Marion, "Pth6nom6nologie de la donation et philosophie premiere", in De surcroft, P. U. F. , Paris 2001, pp. 1 -34, especially p. 18.
  • 9M. Henry,. "Quatre principes de la ph6nom6nologie", in Revue de mtaphysique et de morale 96 (Januar - Marz 1991 ), pp. 3 - 26.
  • 10M. Henry, "Quatre principes de la ph6nom6nologie", p. 7.










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