在各种文艺作品中,“雨”常常会与失意、低落的情绪联系住一起。无论是细雨蒙蒙还是大雨倾盆,我们都不想让它一直下个不停,心里期盼着能早一点雨过天晴。瑞典流行摇滚组合Roxette的经典歌曲ueen of Rain中也借用“雨”的意象,描写了一位忧郁得像雨一样的女子——“忧郁皇后”。
In that big big house there are fifty doors And one of them leads to your heart In the time of spring I passed your gate And tried to make a start All I knew was the scent of sea and dew But I've been in love before, how about you There's a time for the good in life A time to kill the pain in life Dream about the sun you queen of rain In that big old house there are fifty beds And one of them leads to your soul It's a bed of fear, a bed of threats, regrets And sheets so cold