The aim of this study was to investigate a method of active vibration control based on input estimation with a test method. The control method depended on parameters and external disturbance of a controlled system. In order to establish a dynamic equation of the system with unknown parameters, an algorithm of model identification was introduced to identify the parameters firstly. And then, the system disturbance was described as a discrete recursive expression with the random walk model and used to construct a new state equation as an auxiliary state variable. According to the methods of Kalman filtering and linear quadratic Gaussian ( LQG), the control algorithm based on the new state equation was built. Therefore, the system objective function was created according to the new state vectors including disturbance, state variables and control inputs. Finally, the values of the current control input could be obtained with the optimal algorithm. The method was validated in an example of a cantilever beam model. The results revealed that the proposed method is better than the conventional LQG method.
Journal of Vibration and Shock