
海南省银屑病患病情况及危险因素流行病学调查 被引量:8

Prevalence and risk factors of psoriasis in Hainan province: an epidemiological survey
摘要 目的了解海南省常住人口银屑病流行病学情况。方法在海南省18个市县各选择10个乡镇或社区作调查点,采取多阶段抽样(分层抽样、单纯随机抽样、整群抽样相结合)的方法,调查对象签署《知情同意书》后,由调查员填写《海南省银屑病流行病学研究登记表》,并将调查所得数据录入EpiData3.1软件,用SPSS17.0软件进行统计学分析。结果抽样35314人,实际应答30935人,应答率87.60%,男女.陛别比1.2:1,年龄(33.86±17.78)岁。发现银屑病46例,总患病率1.49%。,标化患病率为1.42%o,标化患病率男性(1.85%o)较女性(0.84%o)高,男女患病率差异有统计学意义(r=6.86,P〈0.01)。初发年龄(33.49±14.61)岁。临床分型中以寻常性为最多见(38例,占82.60%)。诱发银屑病的危险因素为精神紧张。对生活质量的影响社交障碍占89.13%,活动障碍占73.91%,心理障碍占86.97%。结论海南省常住人口银屑病患病率低于国内平均水平,多种因素在银屑病发生、发展中起作用。 Objective To estimate the prevalence of psoriasis in resident population in Hainan province through a large-scale, multi-center epidemiological survey. Methods Ten small towns or communities were selected from each of 18 cities or counties in Hainan province as survey sites. Multi-stage sampling strategies (including stratified sampling, simple random sampling and cluster sampling) were used in this study. After respondents signed an informed consent form, investigators completed a registration form containing information regarding clinical features of psoriasis, environmental factors, character trait, aggravating factors, trauma history, infection history, etc. Statistical analysis was carried out by the EpiData 3.1 and SPSS 17.0 software. Results This study recruited 35 314 subjects, and 30 935 responded with a return rate of 87.60%. The ratio of man to women was 1.2 : 1, with an average age of (33.86 ±17.78) years. Forty-six cases of psoriasis were confirmed in these respondents. The overall and standardized prevalence rate of psoriasis was 1.49%o and 1.42%o respectively. A significant increase was observed in the standardized prevalence rate of psoriasis in males compared with females (1.85%o vs. 0.84%o, X2 = 6.86,P 〈 0.01). Tile average age of onset was (33.49 ± 14.61) years, and the most common clinical type was psoriasis vulgaris (82.60%, 38/46). Anxiety was the risk factor of psoriasis. The impact of psoriasis on the quality of life included barriers to social (89.13%) and physical activity (73.91%) as well as psychological disorders (86.97%). Conclusions The prevalence rate of psoriasis in resident population in Hainan province is lower than the national average level in China. It seems that multiple factors are implicated in the initiation and progression of psoriasis.
出处 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期157-159,共3页 Chinese Journal of Dermatology
基金 海南省自然科学基金(30730)
关键词 银屑病 流行病学 海南 LPsoriasis Epidemiology Hainan
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