目的 :观察防石多糖对恢复受损膀胱粘膜防止草酸钙结晶粘附的作用。方法 :用盐酸损伤大白鼠膀胱粘膜后 ,分别用肝素和防石多糖溶液灌入膀胱 ,用扫描电镜观察膀胱粘膜表面的改变及草酸钙晶体的粘附情况 ,并用原子吸收分光光度计测定膀胱干组织中钙的含量。结果 :扫描电镜观察显示防石多糖能在膀胱粘膜表面形成一保护层 ;正常膀胱组、盐酸损伤膀胱组、肝素灌注组和防石多糖灌注组中钙含量测定的平均值分别为 3.50 1、9.563、5.688、1 .31 3μg/mg。结论 :防石多糖能在受损膀胱粘膜表面形成保护层 ,且比肝素更能减少草酸钙晶体的粘附。
Purpose:To observe protection of fangshi polysaccharide against adherence of calcium oxalate crystals to acid-injured bladder mucosa.Method:After injury of bladder by intravesical instillation of 0.1 mol/L HCl,heparin and fangshi polysaccharide were instilled respectively.Then bladder urothelium and adhesion of CaOx crystals were observed by SEM and determination of calcium in bladder mucosa.Result:After injury of bladder mucosa,CaOx crystals were adhered to acid-injured bladder mucosa.In group of normal,acid-injured,instillation of heparin and fangshi polysaccharide average contents of calcium in bladder mucosa were 3.501 , 9.563 , 5.688 , 1.313 μg/mg respectively.Conclusions:Fangshi polysaccharide can protect acid-injured bladder mucosa,and its protective effect was better than that of the heparin.
Journal of Clinical Urology