

Suspect of “Satrap Guyong in the Eastern Han Dynasty”
摘要 "谷公井"遗址现存广西贵港市(古属郁林郡)。民间盛传凿井的"谷公"是东汉灵帝郁林太守"谷永"。此说最早载于南北朝时期范晔《后汉书》,此后的"文抄公"接踵而出,但皆非史实。据考证,西汉成帝时已有一位太守"谷永",晚年南迁湖南,开创耒阳谷氏;到了三国时期,新的谷氏培养出一位九真太守谷朗(218-272)。现据《吴九真太守谷府君(朗)碑》记载推测,谷朗曾祖父"豫章府君"和祖父"公府君"二人皆与凿井人的时事相符。但是,北宋欧阳修(1007-1072)认为,"豫章府君而下三世,皆莫知其名字",已然否定"东汉谷永说"。所以,水井是东汉年代的,但凿井人绝非是今日妇孺确知其名的"谷永";《后汉书》记载中的"太守谷永",来路不明;而自清代以来的东西两汉"两谷永"的说法,更站不住脚。总之,东汉不知名的"谷公"在岭南"以恩信招降乌浒人十万"、"开置七县"的伟业,显然都不能一错再错地硬拉到一位子虚乌有的"谷永"身上。 "Gugong Well" locates in Guigang, Guangxi (belongs to Yulin in ancient time). Folk rumours about "Gugong" , the person who dug the Well, is the "Satrap Guyong in the Eastern Hart Dynasty" in the Eastern Han dynasty. This is said to be firstly Fanye' s History of the Later Han Dynasty. Since then, many people plagiarized this account. But all proved not to, be the.hi, storical fact. According to research, as early as Western Han dynasty, there was already a Satrap named Guyong , who moved to Hunan, and became the ancestor of Gu clan in Leiyang Area. As it goes to the Three Kingdoms period, the new Gu clan foster a second Satrap of Gu clan -- "Gulang" . According to his epitaph, it can be speculated that both his great-grandfather and grandfather might be the Well-digger. However, according to Ouyang Xiu in Northern Song Dynasty, the names of the next three generations after Gulang' s great-grandfather remain unknown. Thus, the saying that "Satrap Guyong in the Eastern Han Dynasty" is the Well-digger is untrue. Therefore, we can conclude that, the Well was dug in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but the digger was not Guyong; the "Satrap Guyong" recorded in History of the Later Han Dynasty proved to be fictional; the saying of "Two Guyongs in the Eastern and Western Han" since Qing Dynasty is even more ungrounded. In a word, we cannot link the unnamed "Gugong" of the Eastern Han, who made a feat of fictitious figure "digging a well which benefit as many as one hundred thousand people and seven counties" to a "Guyong" .
作者 杨天保
出处 《玉林师范学院学报》 2013年第1期12-17,共6页 Journal of Yulin Normal University
关键词 东汉 太守 谷永 《后汉书》 欧阳修 范晔 the Eastern Han Dynasty Satrap Guyong History of the Later Han Dynasty Ouyang Xiu Fanye
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  • 1《南宁火车站附近的黑店又坑人》,2009年4月6日《南国早报》.
  • 2《湖南氏族源流·耒阳谷氏》.
  • 3欧阳修.《集古录》卷四《吴九真太守谷府君碑》.
  • 4严可均.《全三国文》卷七五《吴一三》.









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