

High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning 1H NMR Metabolic Profiling of Nanoliter Biological Tissues at High Magnetic Field
摘要 在高磁场21.1T(900MHz1H NMR)的快速魔角旋转条件下,采用商业化的1.6mm探头,生物样品可以在≤1μL(150nL,约0.15mg)和较短的时间(数分钟)内获得满意的代谢产物的固体高分辨氢谱,且仅需对1.6mm样品管稍作改进.防止生物样品的泄漏和污染是实验成功的关键因素,因此对于生物样品的封装进行了讨论,同时对于微量生物样品在高磁场下信噪比的优化策略也进行了理论和实验的探讨.该文介绍了生物样品的高磁场固体NMR谱学方法在代谢组学的应用,并总结了此领域里的最新研究进展. It was demonstrated that high-resolution magic-angle-spinning (HR-MAS) 7H NMR spectra of biological tissue samples with a volume as small as 150 nL, or 0.15 mg in weight, can be acquired in a few minutes at 21.1 T field strength using a commercial 1.6 mm fast-MAS probe with minor modification of the MAS rotor. The strategies of sealing the samples inside the MAS rotor to avoid fluid leakage as well as the ways to optimize signal to noise are dis-cussed.
出处 《波谱学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期1-11,共11页 Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance
基金 NIH Grant(R21RR025785-01)
关键词 固体核磁共振 代谢组学 魔角旋转 微量生物样品 HR-MAS ^1H NMR, sample volume, metabolomics, biological tissue
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