目的建立缺血性眩晕大鼠模型,为研究相关治疗药物奠定基础。方法采用手术结扎右侧颈总动脉(common carotid artery,CCA)和右侧锁骨下动脉(subclavian artery,SCA)致大鼠右侧半脑不完全脑缺血建立缺血性眩晕大鼠模型。记录逃避电刺激所需的时间(潜伏期)作为衡量眩晕严重程度的指标,测量造模前后右侧前庭神经核组织血流量,计算血流量变化率,评价脑供血状况。结果 1.与假手术组相比,模型组大鼠潜伏期明显延长(P<0.01),造模成功;与模型组比较,盐酸地芬尼多和天保宁能够明显缩短大鼠潜伏期(分别缩短61.9%、52.0%,P<0.01)。2.结扎右侧CCA及SCA后,与对照组相比,模型组大鼠前庭神经核组织血流量明显减少(P<0.01),造模成功;与模型组相比,天保宁能明显增加结扎动脉后组织血流量,在结扎后5、10、15、20、25、30 min血流量分别增加92.8%、83.8%、77.3%、77.9%、65.7%、55.8%(P<0.01)。结论该模型持久稳定,动物脑部缺血明显,并且能够很好地反映动物眩晕时间及眩晕程度,可有效应用于抗缺血性眩晕药物的实验研究。
Objective To establish the experimental ischemic vertigo rat model for the research of the anti- vertigo drugs. Methods The rat model of ischemic vertigo was induced by the right common carotid artery (CCA) and subclavian artery (SCA) ligation. The escaped latency from electricity of rats was recorded to measure the degree of vertigo, and the blood flow of right vestibular nucleus was determined for 5 min before modeling and 30 min after modeling. The rate change of blood flow was calculated to evaluate the ischemic level. Results 1. The latency of the model rats significantly prolonged when compared with the sham rats (P 〈 0. O1 ), which indicated that the experimental ischemic vertigo rat model was established. In addition, the latency of rats was remarkably decreased after treated with difenidol hydroehloride tablets and tianbaoning tablets, when compared with the model rats (61.9% and 52.0% , respectively, P 〈 0.01 ). 2. The blood flow volume of right vestibular nucleus of the model rats reduced obviously after ligating the right CCA and SCA when compared with the sham rats ( P 〈 0.01 ) , which demonstrated the success of the model. The blood flow volume of right vestibular nucleus was significantly improved by treating with tianbaoning tablets after ligation, and the blood flow increased 92.8% at 5min, 83.8% at 10min, 77.3% at 15 min,77.9% at 20 min,65.7% at 25 min,55.8% at 30 min after ligafion, when compared with the model group (P 〈 0.01 ). Condusion The experimental ischemic vertigo rat model could be induced by the right common carotid artery and subclavian artery ligation, which can be used for the research on the mechanism of anti-vertigo drugs.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
Ischemic vertigo
Cerebral ischemia
Animal, model