
美国当代印第安英语诗歌中的部族认同——以哈娇、欧提斯和荷根为观照 被引量:1

Identifying with Tribal Heritage in Contemporary American Indian Poetry——A Case Study of Hajo,Ortiz and Hogan
摘要 自"美国印第安文艺复兴"以来,一批具有民族自豪感的作家与诗人把写作当作政治解放的武器,在其诗歌创作中强调对同化的抵制,表达出认同祖先文化传统的愿望。作为当代印第安英语诗歌的代表人物,乔伊·哈娇(JoyHarjo)、西蒙·欧提斯(Simon Ortiz)以及琳达·荷根(Linda Hogan)将诗歌创造建立在印第安口述文化传统之上,强调土地是印第安的记忆和文化之根,并透过灵性传统彰显异于主流文学的叙述模式、神话体系和信仰体系。 Since American Indian Renaissance, a new generation of Indian writers and poets with a strong sense of national pride takes up writing as a weapon of political liberation, proclaiming their dismissal of assimilation and articulating the desire to identify with their ancestral heritages. As representative figures of contemporary American Indian poetry, Joy Harjo, Simon Ortiz and Linda Hogan infuse their poem-writing with traditional Indian culture such as affiliating with land, storytelling and vision so as to highlight Indian narrative discourse and mythology that are differenting from dominant culture.
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期148-153,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目"当代美国印第安文学研究"(项目编号11BWW054) 江苏省高校哲学社会课题"创伤理论视阈下的当代美国印第安小说研究"(2012SJD750032) 江苏省社会科学基金项目"当代美国印第安文学的身份主题研究(项目编号10WWB001)的阶段性成果
关键词 印第安诗歌 部族认同 土地 讲故事 灵视 Indian poetry identifying with tribal heritage land storytelling vision
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  • 1Weeks. P. Farewell, My Nation: The American Indian and the United States, 1820-1890 [M]. Illinois: 1990.
  • 2Hogan, L. The Book of Medicines [M]. Minneapolis: Coffee House, 1993.
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  • 5Ortiz, S. Fight Back: For the Sake of the People, for the Sake of the Land [M]. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1980.
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  • 7Leen, M. An art of saying: Joy Harjo's poetry and the sur- vival of storytelling [J]. American Indian Quarterly, 1995,19( 1 ) : 16.
  • 8Ortiz, S. From Sand Creek: Rising in This Heart Which is Our America [M]. New York: Thunder' s Mouth, 1981.
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  • 10Ortiz, S. Woven Stone [M]. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.











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