

The Reseach of Li Bin's Birth Year and Native Place
摘要 丰城侯李彬是明代永乐时期的一位名将,一生南征北战,东征西讨,平定内乱,抗击倭寇,为明王朝的强盛作出了巨大贡献,但史料对李彬确切的生年和籍贯却记载较少且略显凌乱。通过史料梳理和考辨,我们认为李彬出生于元代至正二十一年(1361),祖籍为丰城湖茫李家,其曾祖李福由丰城客游至凤阳后,居于定远刘栅村,元末避乱,举家迁至和州含山县南二都。 Li Bin, Fengcheng Marquis, was a famous general of the Yongle Period in Ming Dynasty. Then Li Bin was created for Fengcheng Marquis because of his many huge military merits in the Jingnan Battle. In his whole life, Li Bin fought here and there, not only pacified the civil strife, but also fought against Japanese pirates . Many times, he was sent to guard the frontier and bore the burden of responsibility without complaints. In a word, Li Bin made great contributions to Ming Dynasty. However, there were less exact historical records about Li Bin's birth year and native place ,what is more ,they were also messy. According to the historical materials,we think Li Bin was born in 1361 of Yuan Dynasty, and his ancestral home was at the village of Li, Humang, Fengcheng. Li Fu, his great - grandfather, left Fengcheng for Fengyang and settled at the village of Liushan, Dingyuan. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, in or- der to avoid chaos caused by wars, his family moved to Hanshan of Hezhou prefecture.
出处 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2012年第11期83-84,共2页 Journal of Shangqiu Normal University
关键词 李彬 生年 籍贯 Li Bin birth year native place
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