
我国“血荒”问题的行为经济学视角研究 被引量:2

A Study of the Problem of “Blood Supply Shortage” from the View of Behavioral Economics
摘要 近年来血荒问题日益严重,社会矛盾突出,严重影响了社会总效益。本文引入有限理性经济人的假设,从行为经济学的角度分析社会个体不愿献血的原因。同时为了更清晰地说明人们无偿献血的净收益,本文引入成本效益理论,建立成本、效益模型;从行为经济学的角度分析并提出了如何解决血荒问题的建议:提高医疗卫生水平;加大新闻报道宣传力度;引入参照系;完善用血补助机制;优化奖励方式;透明化公共用血机制等。 In recent years, the problem of blood supply shortage is more and more serious and the social con- tradictions are more and more obvious, which has greatly influenced the total social benefit. By introducing the as- sumption of finite rationality economic man, this paper analyzes the reasons for social individuals reluctance to pro- vide blood supply from the view of behavioral economy. Meanwhile, to better explain people~ pure benefit for vol- unteer blood donation, this paper introduces the theory of cost benefit, establishes cost and benefit model, analyzes and puts forward suggestion on how to solve this problem including: improving health care standard, increasing press propaganda level, introducing into reference system, perfecting blooding subsidy mechanism; optimizing a- ward style and open public blood- use mechanism etc.
作者 白彦锋 沈倩
出处 《内蒙古财经学院学报》 2012年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of inner Mongolia finance and economics college
基金 教育部新世纪人才计划支持(NCET-11-0748) 国家社科基金重点课题(11AZD045) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(11JJD790037)
关键词 血荒 行为经济学 前景理论 成本效益理论 blood supply shortage behavioral economics prospect theory cost and benefit theory
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