
中美大学生理想伴侣相对偏好的性别与文化比较 被引量:3

Sino-American College Students' Relative Preferences for Ideal Partners
摘要 亲密关系是社会心理学的重要研究领域,而理想伴侣一直是亲密关系领域的重要研究对象之一。已有研究大多考察人们的理想伴侣绝对偏好,较少涉猎理想伴侣相对偏好问题。本研究通过对664名中美大学生的问卷调查,比较了中美被试在外在特征、兴趣爱好、价值观等方面的理想伴侣相对偏好,以及相应的性别差异和文化差异特征。结果发现:(1)在兴趣爱好、价值观的理想伴侣相对偏好上,中美被试表现出较大相似性;(2)在外在特征、兴趣爱好、价值观的理想伴侣相对偏好上,女性的相对偏好更严苛;(3)与中国被试相比,美国被试的理想伴侣相对偏好性别差异更小。以上结果表明,进化心理和文化演进在不同程度上同时形塑人们的择偶心理。 Research on ideal partner in intimate relationship is of significance in social psychology. Previous studies in this line concentrated mainly on absolute preferences difference between the male and female or across cul- tures. An investigation was initiated for 664 Sino-Amer- ican college students to explore relative preferences for ideal partners in physical traits, interests and hobbies, and values. The results showed that: (1)there share many similarities between Chinese and American's rel- ative preferences for ideal partners. However, the female subjects' appeal for ideal partners is stricter than the male, which supports the evolutionary psychological hy- pothesis; (2)Difference of relative preferences for ideal partners between American men and women is less evi- dent than Chinese. Taken together, the evolutionary psy- chological mechanism and the cultural influences could shape the psychology of spouse selection of the mankind to a larger or smaller extent concurrently.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2012年第3期195-203,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 南开大学2008年度人文社会科学校内青年项目(NKQ08034)资助
关键词 理想伴侣 相对偏好 价值观 进化心理 ideal partner, relative preference, value, evolutionary psychology
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