
知觉负载下选择性注意的两种作用机制 被引量:2

Two Mechanisms of Selective Attention under the Perceptual Load
摘要 针对Lavie等人的知觉负载理论难以解释在低知觉负载下出现负启动效应这一不足,文章提出"两种作用机制"观点,认为在知觉负载下选择性注意同时存有知觉选择机制和认知控制机制,并运用干扰效应和负启动效应双指标通过2个实验来考证该观点。结果发现:(1)在同一实验条件下采用双指标可为两种作用机制观点提供有力证据;(2)知觉选择机制的加工时程发生在早期,而认知控制机制的加工时程发生在早期至中期之间。结论:两种作用机制观点比Lavie的知觉负载理论能更全面揭示在知觉负载条件下选择性注意的加工机制和加工时程。 Given that Lavie et al's perceptual load theory is diffi- cult to explain the negative priming effect emerged un- der lower perceptual load, this paper proposes "view- point of two mechanisms", positing that there are two attention resources under perceptual load at the same time. By using two indexes, namely, the interference ef- fect and negative priming effect, this paper discusses the viewpoint of two attention resources through three experiments. The results showed that: ( 1 ) Using the two indexes under the same experiment condition could pro- vide evidence for viewpoint of two mechanisms. (2) The time course of perceptual selective mechanism process- ing emerged at the early stage of selective attention, while the time course of cognitive control mechanism e- merged at the early stage as well as the medium one These suggest that viewpoint of two mechanisms can more clearly reveal the mechanism and time courses of processing than the perceptual load theory.
作者 付桂芳
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2012年第4期299-308,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 知觉负载理论 知觉选择机制 认知控制机制 选择性注意 perceptual load theory, perceptual se- lective mechanism, cognitive control mechanism, selective attention
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