

Intertextual Interpretation of Eliot's Poems
摘要 《诗篇》是艾略特早期的作品,它表现出了艾略特诗歌创作的一大特色:互文性写作。互文性写作对艾略特极为重要,他坚信,对于一个诗人的作品,最个人的部分也是最有力地表明他们不朽的地方。探求文本的用典其实是以互文性理论为依据的一种阅读策略。本文意欲挖掘《诗篇》在用典方面的现象,把互文性手法当做是解读其诗歌的一种策略,这不仅有利于加深对其诗作的理解和欣赏,而且有助于对其诗歌理论的认识和把握。 Poems is one of the early works of Eliot. However, it shows one characteristic of Eliot' s poet ry: the intertextualizational way of writing, which is so important for him that he spoke with the convic tion that "the most personal part as well as the best part of his poems, is where his predecessors most ef fectively show their immortality". Pursuing the allusion is aetually a reading strategy on the basis of inter textuality theory. Taking intertextuality as a way to interpret Eliot' s poem, this paper is to explore and il lustrate the phenomenon of allusion in his Poems. This is conducive to the understanding and grasp of Eli ot,s theory of poetry as well so as to be helpful for deepening the readers' understanding and appreciation of his poetry.
作者 王祖友
出处 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期454-460,共7页 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University:Social Sciences
基金 2011年河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2011FYY013)
关键词 诗篇 互文性 用典 诗歌理论 Poems Eliot intertextuality allusion theory of poetry
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