
完熟期大豆炸荚力学特性试验 被引量:18

Experiments of Pod-split Mechanical Performance in Period of Soybean Full Ripe
摘要 大豆炸荚损失是收获损失的主要部分,为进一步减少炸荚损失,为大豆收获机和脱粒机的研制提供理论参考,以辽宁省主栽大豆品种沈农12,95-1和辽豆14和为研究对象,运用微机控制的电子拉压试验机进行豆荚的静压炸荚试验。结果表明:3个品种的大豆豆荚在3种静压方式下,炸荚时的最大静压力都随着含水率的降低明显下降,这是造成收获时炸荚损失增大的主要原因;当大豆含水率在25%以下,豆壳含水率15%以下会发生大豆炸荚;大豆的炸荚与品种和含水率有很大的关系;大豆的顶部、中部和底部豆荚炸荚率无显著的区别。 the pod-split loss is the main form of soybean harvest losses.In order to further reduce the pod-split loss and provide theoretic reference for the manufacturing and development of soybean harvesters and threshers,the pods of soybean planted in Liaoning province(Shennong-12,95-1 and Liaodou-14) were conducted compression experiments with the electronic tensile-compression testing machine controlled by computer,and the branch pod-split ratio experiments with percussion hammer drop test-bed.The results indicated that the largest compression value when the three type soybean pods split under three compression methods decreased apparently with the moisture content dropped down,and this is the main reason of pod-split loss in harvest process.The soybean pods split when the moisture content of bean and shell were below 25% and 15% respectively.The soybean pod-split was closely related the variety and moisture content,and the pod-split ratio of different varieties were distinct different under the same impact energy.There were no distinct different of pod-split for the top,midst and bottom part of soybean plant.MoreBack AbstractFilter('EnChDivSummary','ChDivSummaryMore2','ChDivSummaryReset2'); 【Keywords in Chinese】 大豆炸荚; 力学特性; 炸荚损失; 【Key words】 the soybean pod-split; mechanical performance; the pod-split loss;
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期576-580,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51075284)
关键词 大豆炸荚 力学特性 炸荚损失 the soybean pod-split mechanical performance the pod-split loss
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