
浅析申本语境下铁道警察学院的校名翻译 被引量:1

On the Translation of the Name of University of Railway Police in the Context of Applying for Undergraduate Education
摘要 在铁道警官高等专科学校申本的语境下,旨在从词意、语法和文化符号等角度分析铁警高专升本之后将英文校名翻译为University of Railway Police的合理性、重要性。学校提出"内涵申本"的战略,内涵的提高只有有与之适应的语言符号相匹配,才能获得人们的认可。通过认真调查中国警察院校的院名,发现中国警校的校名翻译并不存在一个统一的标准。通过语法分析、词意分析和校名比较等方法对这个翻译的合理性进行阐述,最后利用文化研究中的符号与表征理论,通过现代人对于符号和内涵的理解,阐释了这种翻译对于获得国内认同以及在国际交流中所能发挥的重要性。 This paper aims at justifying the translation of the name of our school as University of Railway Po- lice. Through the survey of the names of Chinese police colleges and Chinese armed police colleges, the author finds no translation standard for those police colleges and universities. The author justifies the English version of the name of the university with various methods including grammatical analysis, name comparison and the theory of rep- resentation. The national and international significance of the translation is also expounded in the theory of repre- sentation considering the thinking modes of ordinary people in modern society.
作者 王保飞
出处 《铁道警官高等专科学校学报》 2012年第6期119-122,共4页 Journal of Railway Ministry Zhengzhou Police College
关键词 铁道警察学院 校名英文翻译 符号再现理论 University of Railway Police translation of names of police colleges theory of representation.
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