

Integrality and Inspiration:the Functioning of Logic Education of Art School——The Case of the Logic Coursee
摘要 认识逻辑教育的历史使命,找到可以切实提升学生思维素质的着力点,而不是盲目"割舍"部分教学内容,这是逻辑学教师应该认真思考的一个问题。新版教材《逻辑学教程》对此问题有所体悟、有所探索。其内容选择及编排有利于在教学中体现逻辑学的基础性和工具性,其教学实践将为教育逻辑学的研究积累经验和素材。 Instead of making trivial changes of teaching contents, logic teachers should take seriously account of how to improve students critical thinking capability, which is the mission of logic education. The new published teaching material Logic Course manages tO achieve what is required and regulated. Its contribution lies in the essentiality and instrumentality in content selection and compiling organization, the practice of which will provide data for logic educational research.
作者 张存建
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2012年第4期23-25,共3页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Educational Sciences Edition)
关键词 教育逻辑学 编写理念 内容选择 编排体例 educational logic principles content selection arrangement
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