根据国际男装惯例 ,黑色套装具有特定程式化的语言内涵 ,这一点在我国行业界、理论界和社会生活中 ,特别是国际社交中并没有得到认可 .文中通过对黑色套装的颜色、形制的注释和国际服装惯例的分析 ,破译了黑色套装某些社交规则 ,以此为探索“男装语言学”的研究思路提供线索 .
According the international practice of man wears “black suits” have the specific stylizational language intension,which has not still been approved by the trade circles,theory circles and social intercourse in China,especially by international contact.This paper explains the regulation in social intercourse by explaining the colour and shape of black suits and analysing the international practive of man wears so as to provide leads for exploring research thinking in “man dress linguistics”.
Journal of the Tianjin Institute of Textile Science and Technology