研究了噪声对大鼠肝糖原质量分数的影响 ,对未经过噪声暴露和经过噪声暴露的大鼠进行了肝糖原质量分数的测定。结果显示 ,大鼠受到噪声刺激后 ,起初反应剧烈 ,肝糖原质量分数远远低于正常值 ,随着时间的延长渐渐适应噪声环境并产生抵抗能力 ,使肝糖原质量分数逐渐接近正常值。
This paper details the variation of glycogen contents in big miceliver due to noise. This experiment compares the liver glycogen contentsof the big mice exposed to noise and that non exposed to noise. The resultshows that big mice reflects strongly when touch noise immediately, enabling itsliver glycogen to be lower than contrast value. After a period of time, the big miceadapts to it gradually. Therefore, the lever glycogen recovers graduallyto the contrast value .It is easier to control the time of exposure thanthe sound intensity for reducing the damage by noise.
Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (39870 1 90 )