针对贵阳市北京东路1号隧道浅埋和下穿变电站等密集建筑物的特点,利用高精度数码电子雷管提供的1 ms量差和0.01 ms的误差精度以及任意编程分段技术,提出采用5~8 ms爆破时差可实现若干延时爆孔爆轰波高精度的波相干涉以达到微震的目的。相对普通毫秒延时雷管(1 ms误差精度,固定的20种段别),本项技术段别数量不受限制并可任意编排,精度更高。确定的延时量差能保证爆轰波的有效干涉和平峰。爆破监测表明,本项技术的实施能使变电站控制点爆破震速控制在0.5 cm/s以内,低于同药量常规毫秒延时雷管爆破的测试值2.1 cm/s,确保了洞顶变电站的安全。研究结论可为类似工程提供参考。
Beijing east road No. 1 tunnel in Guiyang is characterized by shallow buried and undercrossing dense -constructed buildings such as substation, according to its characteristics, high precision digital elec- tronic detonator, which has lms quantity difference and 0.01ms error precision as well as the random segmen- tation technology by program, is used to realize caused by different blasting holes with several b high - precision wave phase interference of detonation waves lasting time delay, it is proposed that 5 -8ms blasting delay time can make sure that wave phase interference achieves the purpose of light shock. Compared with conven- tional millisecond delay detonator ( lms errors, 20 kinds of fixed segments) , the number of this technology' s segments are unlimited and can be arbitrarily arranged, which provides a higher accuracy. Determined delay difference quantities can guarantee the effective inerference and platykurtosis of the detonation wave. Blast mo- nitoring indicates that the blasting shock speed of substation is controlled in less than 0.5cm/s by the imple- mentation of this technology, less than 2.1 cm/s, the measured value of conventional millisecond delay detona- tor blasting with the same dose, so that it can ensure the safety of the substation. The conclusions can provide a reference for similar projects.
Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
digital electronic detonators
conventional millisecond delay detonators
urban dense-constructedbuildings
light shock controlled blast