本系统是以校园网为依托,紧密结合高校人事管理业务流程,采用ASP.NET动态Web编程技术生成前台页面,后台数据库采用Sql Server 2005,并根据RBAC96模型进行权限设计,将用户、角色、权限三者分离,灵活组建,最大限度的确保本系统的信息数据安全,用以满足高校人事管理信息化办公的需求。
The system in the paper was based on the campus network and closely combined with the operation flow of personnel management in college. The ASP.NET dynamic Web programming technology was used to generate the front page, and Sql Server 2005 was used in the background database. In the system, jurisdiction was designed according to RBAC96 model, and user, character and jurisdiction were divided and built neatly, which could farthest ensure the information date safety of the system. Finally, the system met the informationization operation demand of personnel management in college.
Information Technology and Informatization