
中国加盟太平洋经济合作会议与对外政策转型(1978—1986) 被引量:1

China’s Admission in PECC and Her Changes in Diplomatic Policy(1978—1986)
摘要 太平洋经济合作会议(PECC)是由政府、商界、学界共同派代表组成的准政府间组织。1986年,中国成功地加盟PECC使其升级为涵盖中日美三大国最初的亚太地区合作机制。而整个加盟过程与独立自主对外政策的展开紧密相关联,是中国对外政策转型的结果。改革开放后,随着中国独立自主对外政策的实行,中国与亚太地区各国关系(包括与台湾地区)发生了变化,这些双边关系的变容是导致中国加盟PECC的根本原因。中国加盟PECC是独立自主对外政策的表现的同时,也强化了中国的对外转型,为冷战后中国亚太地区战略的展开奠定了良好的基础。 The Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation, shortened as the PECC, is a quasi - governmental organ- ization consisting of representatives from governments, and business and academic worlds. In 1986, China was suc- cessfully admitted into the PECC, which initially started a cooperative mechanism in the region by involving the three Asian-Pacific powers, China, Japan and America. The whole process of admission was closely associated with the introduction of an independent and autonomous diplomatic policy, which resulted from the transformation of Chi- na' s diplomatic policy. With the introduction of China' s independent and autonomous diplomatic policy after the reform and open-door policy, changes happened to China' s relationship with the Asian-Pacific nations, including Taiwan, the improvement of which was the primary reason for China' s admission to the PECC. This brought about not only the transformation of China' s diplomatic policy but also the intensification of this policy, which helped to lay a good foundation for China' s Asian-Pacific strategy after the Cold War.
作者 田凯
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期18-23,共6页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 辽宁大学东亚研究中心科研项目(LNUCEAS2012-CPE02)
关键词 PECC 对外政策 中国外交 亚太地区主义 奥林匹克方式 独立自主对外政策 PECC diplomatic policy China' s diplomacy Asian-Pacificism Olympic means an independ-ent and autonomous diplomatic policy
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