
慢性心房颤动的治疗 被引量:5

Treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation
摘要 慢性心房颤动(房颤)的治疗主要是针对其快速心率和卒中/栓塞潜在危险,包括心率控制、抗栓治疗和尝试恢复窦性心律。虽然导管消融术可使部分慢性房颤患者恢复窦性心律,但是尚缺乏足够临床证据准确评价其疗效。因此,对于大部分慢性房颤患者,应严格遵循房颤治疗指南建议,积极控制心率,加强抗血栓治疗。 Chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) treatment is mainly tor the potential ciangers ot raplo heart rate anu stroke/embolism, including heart rate control, antithrombotic treatment and restoration of sinus rhythm. Although catheter ablation can induce some patients with chronic AF to restore sinus rhythm, there has been no sufficient clinical evidence to accurately evaluate its efficacy. Therefore, the treatment for the majority of patients with chronic AF should strictly follow the recommendations of AF treatment guidelines, actively controlling heart rate and strengthening antithrombotic therapy.
作者 王业松
出处 《新医学》 2013年第1期3-7,共5页 Journal of New Medicine
关键词 慢性心房颤动 心率控制 抗栓治疗 Chronic atrial fibrillation Heart rate control Antithrombotic therapy
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