
9-ODA对工蜂卵巢的抑制 被引量:4

The Inhibition of 9-ODA to Worker Bees’Ovary
摘要 蜜蜂是营社会性生活的昆虫,正常蜂群中三型蜂分工细化,各司其职。蜂王负责产卵,工蜂卵巢不发育,负责巢内外工作,但在蜂群失去蜂王的情况下,一部分工蜂的卵巢会发育并产卵。实验在无王群中喷洒9-ODA,对喷洒了9-ODA和未喷洒9-ODA的蜂群中的工蜂卵巢发育程度进行分析,结果表明有无9-ODA的两类蜂群中工蜂卵巢发育差别明显,喷洒9-ODA后的工蜂卵巢基本不发育,受到明显抑制作用,且王浆腺发育程度也受到抑制作用。 Honeybees are eusocial insects, a hive of which normally consists of three types of bees. The division of labor among them are highly explicit. Queens are in charge of laying eggs, whereas worker bees, also female but without mature ovary, are responsible for works in hive and forage. But under the circumstances that the queen was lost, they reproduced themselves. Applied 9-ODA to workers in queenless colony, we compared the level of ovaries. We analyzed the level of ovaries after applying the 9-ODA in queenless colonies. The results suggested that the ovary activation degree was in lower lever after applying the 9-ODA.The activation of ovary was highly inhibited and the development degree of HPGs was also inhibited.
出处 《蜜蜂杂志》 2013年第3期4-5,共2页 Journal of Bee
基金 国家自然科学基金(31260585)
关键词 9-ODA 卵巢 王浆腺 抑制 9-ODA ovary HPGs inhibition
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