目的利用颅脑核磁共振血管成像(MRA)技术观察中枢性眩晕患者脑血管形态变化,为该病的治疗提供帮助。方法对临床拟诊为中枢性眩晕的100例患者进行颅脑MRA检查,并分析脑血管形态异常的类型和分布。结果 100例中枢性眩晕患者中78例存在脑血管形态异常,其中单纯颈内动脉系统异常9例,单纯椎-基底动脉系统异常31例,颈内动脉系统和椎-基底动脉系统同时存在异常10例,一侧椎动脉优势28例。结论椎-基底动脉系统异常和一侧椎动脉优势可能是中枢性眩晕的主要原因。
Objective Using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRA) technique for the observation of patients with central vertigo of cerebral vascular morphological changes, for the treatment of the disease to provide help. Methods 100 patients with central vertigo were subjected to brain MRA, and the types and distribution of morphological abnormalities of cerebral vascular were analyzed. Results Of the 100 cases of central vertigo, abnormal cerebral vascular morphology were found in 78 patients, including 9 cases of internal carotid artery system abnormalities, 31 cases of vertebrobasilar arterial system abnormalities, 10 cases of both and 28 cases of vertebral artery dominance. Conclusion The vertebrobasilar arterial system abnormalities and vertebral artery dominance might be the major reasons of central vertigo.
Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease