对福建省南靖县麻竹笋用林的种群生物量结构和能量分布进行了研究。结果表明 :1麻竹种群的现存生物量为 32 89.653g/ m2 ,其中地上部分为 2 84 8.640 g/ m2 ,占 86.59% ;地下部分为4 4 1.0 13g/ m2 ,占 13.4 1%。其各组分分别为 :竿 1666.682 g/ m2 、枝 84 4 .94 5g/ m2 、叶 337.0 13g/ m2 、根茎 330 .915g/ m2 、细根 110 .0 98g/ m2 ;2麻竹种群中各个体生物量在 1至 3龄级的分配为 :16.4 0 % ,35.35% ,4 8.2 5% ;3麻竹种群的能量现存量为 590 96.0 64k J/ m2 ,其中地上部分为51582 .0 32 k J/ m2 ,占总能量现存量的 87.2 9% ;地下部分为 7514.0 32 k J/ m2 ,占 12 .71%。
This paper dealt with the biomass structure and energy distribution of Dendrocalamus latiflorus population for shoot in Nanjing County,Fujian Province.The results were shown as follows:(1)the standing crop of biomass in Dendrocalamus latiflorus population was 3289.653g/m 2,in which the biomass of aboveground was 2848.640g/m 2,and that of below ground was 441.013g/m 2,respectively.The biomass in the different fractions of population was 1666.682g/m 2 for stem,844.945g/m 2 for branch,337.013g/m 2 for leaf,330.915g/m 2 for rhizome and 110.098g/m 2 for fine root,respectively.(2)The biomass component from 1 to 3 age class in Dendrocalamus latiflorus population was 16.40%,35.35%,48.25% of the total,respectively.(3) The standing crop of energy in Dendrocalamus latiflorus population was 59096.064kJ/m 2,in which that accumulated in the aboveground biomass was 51582.032 kJ/m 2,accounting for 87.29% of the total;that of below ground was 7514.032kJ/m 2, 12.71 % of the total.
Journal of Bamboo Research
Dendrocalamus latiflorus population,Biomass structure,Energy distribution