

Towards Sustainable Development: Alternatives to GDP for Measuring Progress
摘要 为了实现可持续发展、人类富裕和安康生活,我们需要多维度的指标来表明一个共同体中经济的、环境的和社会的发展。虽然使用GDP方法有其显而易见的优点——严格局限于市场领域及其交易活动,但如果量度的对象是可持续发展和福利的话,那么十分明显,非市场活动也是与之密切相关的。可持续发展和福利的许多构成元素都不会体现在市场活动中,或者说,经济政策的某些方面需要替代性的答案和作更宽泛的成本-收益分析。因而,当致力于实现可持续发展而不只是经济增长时,旨在超越GDP方法的替代性方案的运用是必要的。本文评述了三大类型的替代性指标,即"调整"、"替代"和"补充"GDP方法,并对其优缺点、超越GDP方法的潜能进行了初步分析。 In order to achieve sustainable development and human well-being, we need multi-dimensional indicators to measure economic, environmental and social development of a community. The GDP method has its own advantages especially when restricting to the transactions within the market field, however, non-market activi-ties are obviously relevant in measuring sustainable development and human benefits. Many of the components for sustainable development and human benefits can not be reflected by market activities, in other words, certain as-pects of current economic policy need some alternatives and we should do more comprehensive analysis of cost-benefit. Theretore, we need alternative methods to GDP to measure sustainable development. In this paper, we have briefly reviewed three kinds of alternative approaches to GDP: "adjustment", "replacement" and "comple-ment".
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2013年第1期111-128,共18页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 国家社科基金项目"生态资本主义及其批评研究"(10BKS049)的阶段性成果
关键词 可持续发展 GDP 替代性进步测量指标 sustainable development GDP alternatives for measuring progress
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