利用油研 7号 ,进行三元二次正交旋转组合试验 ,研究了密度、施氮量、施钾量对甘蓝型杂交油菜单株一、二次分枝抽生概率的影响 ,结果表明 :三因素对单株一次分枝抽生概率影响大小的顺序为密度 >施氮量 >施钾量。 3因素对一、二次分枝抽生概率的影响达到极显著和显著水平。不同抽生概率的一次分枝均可产生二次分枝 ,高抽生概率的一次分枝产生高概率的二次分枝。单株一次分枝总的抽生概率与单株干物重间呈极显著正相关 ,二次分枝总的抽生概率、平均抽生概率与单株干物重间均呈极显著正相关。群体中一次分枝总数与单株一次分枝总的抽生概率间呈极显著负相关。群体中二次分枝总数与二次分枝总的抽生概率、平均抽生概率间均呈极显著正相关。
The trifactorial quadratic regression orthogonial gyration combination design was used to investigate the effects of planting density, nitrogenous and potassium fertilizer rates on probability of formation of primary and secondary branches in hybrid rapeseed (Brassica napus) variety Youyan 7. The results showed that the effects of these three factors on probability of formation of primary branches decreased in the order of planting density, nitrogenous fertilizer rate and potassium fertilizer rate; the primary branches produced at different branching probabilities could form the secondary branches, with high probability primary branches forming high probability secondary branches; total probability of formation of primary branches per plant, total and averaged probabilities of formation of secondary branches all extremely significantly correlated with dry matter weight per plant and that total primary branches of the populations was extremely significantly negatively correlated with total probability of formation of primary branches per plant while total secondary branches of the populations was extremely significantly positively correlated with both total and averaged probabilities of formation of secondary branches.
Crop Research
贵州省九五攻关项目! (编号 9610 0 4 )