
秦川牛花纹肉剪切力值与胶原蛋白吡啶交联和热溶解性的关系 被引量:8

Study on the Relationships Between Pyridinoline Cross-Links and Solubility of Collagen and Shear Force of Qinchuan Marbling Beef
摘要 【目的】通过对花纹肉剪切力值与胶原蛋白吡啶交联含量的对比研究,发掘脂肪沉积改善牛肉嫩度的内在原因。【方法】以秦川公牛花纹肉为试验材料,研究相同年龄不同花纹等级、相同花纹等级不同年龄的牛肉样品剪切力值、胶原蛋白热溶解性以及吡啶交联含量的变化规律。【结果】对花纹等级相同(B级)的西冷来说,随着年龄的增长,羟赖氨酰吡啶嗡(HP)交联逐渐增加,赖氨酰吡啶嗡(LP)交联先增加后减少,胶原蛋白热溶解性下降,牛肉剪切力值增加;对相同年龄的西冷来说(4对永久齿),随着花纹等级的提高,HP交联含量逐渐减少,胶原蛋白热溶解性升高,牛肉剪切力值下降。【结论】脂肪沉积过程中,胶原蛋白中HP交联受抑,胶原蛋白未能形成丰富的成熟交联,加热时更容易形成明胶,使牛肉剪切力值下降,嫩度提高。 [Objective] The objective of this experiment is to study the pyridinoline cross-links of collagen and dissect its relevance to the shear force of beef. [Method] Samples were divided into two groups. The first group consists of the same marbling with different ages. The second consists of the same age with different marblings. The shear force of beef, solubility and hydroxylysylpyridinium, lysylpyridinium of collagen were measured. [ Result] According to the results of the first group, as bull aged, HP cross-links increased, LP cross-links increased firstly, and then decreased, which was followed by the decreasing of collagen solubility and the increasing of shear force. According to the results of the second group, as fattening, HP cross-links decreased, the solubility of collagen increased, and the shear force of beef decreased. [ Conclusion ] In the fattening, the synthesization of HP cross-link was restrained. There are shorts of mature cross-links in collagen, resulting in transition of gelatin more easily. So beef turns tenderer
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期130-135,共6页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(NYCYTX-38)
关键词 牛肉 大理石纹 羟赖氨酰吡啶嗡 赖氨酰吡啶嗡 嫩度 吡啶啉 beef marbling hydroxylysylpyridinium lysylpyridinium tenderness pyridinoline
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