
可变后掠翼导弹的动态特性分析 被引量:1

Dynamic Characteristic Analysis for Missile with Variable Sweep Wings
摘要 针对可变后掠翼导弹弹体外形参数可变的特点,建立了其弹体扰动运动线性化数学模型,分析了其与固定外形导弹的区别,提出了一种可变后掠翼导弹动态特性分析方法,通过设计不同后掠角速度参数(快速、中速和慢速三种展开状态),揭示了某可变后掠翼导弹稳定性和操纵性随不同后掠角参数的变化规律。 According to variable characteristic of the shape parameters, the linearized motion is mod- eled for a swing-wing missile. Synchronously the distinction is discussed by comparing with shape-fixed missile. Then the paper puts forward a kind of method for analyzing dynamic characteristics for swing-wing missile. The laws are revealed that a swing-wing missile' s stability and maneuverability vary with the variation of the sweep parameters, by designing three different motion parameters of sweep angle ( such as fast, intermediate and slow spreading states).
出处 《航空兵器》 2013年第1期8-10,19,共4页 Aero Weaponry
基金 航空科学基金(20110159001)
关键词 可变后掠翼导弹 动态特性 展开角速度 稳定性 操纵性 swing-wing missile dynamic characteristic angular velocity of spread stability maneuverability
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